Cloud UC Platform
Desktop & Mobile Apps
Collaboration Services
Call Center Services
MS Teams Integration
UCaaS-Cloud PBX

A versatile unified communications & collaboration solution for service providers.
Full range of functions and customizable - ideal for business customers. 

SIP Trunking

A substitute for traditional ISDN/PSTN lines with UC expansion potential.
Reduces costs and offers higher added value.

Teams Integration

New sales opportunities for service providers, integrates MS Teams users using direct routing and combines them with UCaaS.

Voice Network Transformation

Rethinking your voice network: Easy migration of legacy voice networks to All IP, including mobile networks.

Cloud UC Platform
Desktop & Mobile Apps
Collaboration Services
Call Center Services
MS Teams Integration
UCaaS-Cloud PBX

A versatile unified communications & collaboration solution for service providers.
Full range of functions and customizable - ideal for business customers.

SIP Trunking

A substitute for traditional ISDN/PSTN lines with UC expansion potential.
Reduces costs and offers
higher added value.

Teams Integration

New sales opportunities for service providers, integrates MS Teams users using direct routing and combines them with UCaaS.

Voice Network Transformation

Rethinking your voice network: Easy migration of legacy voice networks to All IP, including mobile networks.

There are plenty of reasons to choose Communi5. Here are just a few of them:


Some members of our team have been working on our products since the early 2000s. The know-how accumulated in that time is our foundation, profiting everyone – our customers and ourselves.


We are a medium-sized company located in the heart of Europe. Our priority is contact to our customers and attention to their needs, and to work together to further develop our products. Why make things unnecessarily complicated, especially customer contact.


Standing still is not for us. For decades we have been demonstrating a future-oriented approach, combining other software solutions, MS Teams, for example, with our products. This provides our customers with even more ways to win over and keep their own customers.


No, by that we do not mean contact between your organisation and ours. This we take for granted. It refers to the much-appreciated contact between our customers and partners at our annual Lounge event and regular webinars.


‘Easy‘ – a word much bandied about, but ‘easy’ is easier said than done. One of the most difficult tasks is to make things look easy when they are not. This is exactly our goal in the development of our products and solutions – to simplify the work environment for our customers and their users.

Communication as a basis

Develop together

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